Moving Forward...

T H U R S D A Y,  J A N U A R Y  2 7,   2 0 1 1

Just a very quickie update to let everyone know that Zeitgeist III - Moving Forward has now been released for online viewing. Head on over to YouTube to see it, and a virtual cornucopia of related videos and interviews

Hey, wait! I have a blog. Why send you to YouTube to watch it, when I can bring YouTube here!

Please understand, I haven't watched the film myself yet. Seems strange to be promoting a film I know so little about, but I can state with absolute certainty that this film does not include any long lost relatives of Oprah Winfrey. That in itself makes me proud to have it featured here on PeBoVision. (and Oprah, most of us don't give a shit. It's never been about you, you self-centered cow! Don't you get that?)

Anyway, here's Zeitgeist III - Moving Forward...

Coming soon... Using family secrets to generate ad revenue and delay the impending death of once respectable (but increasingly irrelevant) television talk shows... by Oprah Springer

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